Sunday, 25 March 2012

I've had several questions about the legal side of Community land ownership and this is about the best example so far

Only an example. Inspired Sting to join and invest so can't be bad!


 Rules of


                   (Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965‑1978)


1.     The name of the Society shall be Fordhall Community Land Initiative Limited.


2.     The objects of the Society shall be for the benefit of the community and in particular:

(a)    To advance education and provide facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare for the inhabitants of Market Drayton and the wider community, in organic farming methods, conservation, biodiversity, health, access, country life, heritage, wildlife and related subjects with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.

(b)    To ensure farmland is managed sustainably for community benefit with the appropriate management for access, and to research sustainable farming through community land trusteeship, public involvement and other methods. 


3.     The Society shall have power to do all things necessary or expedient for the fulfilment of its objects provided that, in carrying out its objects, the Society shall promote equality of opportunity for all sections of the community in its own affairs and in society generally.

                                                          REGISTERED OFFICE

4.     The Registered Office of the Society shall be at Fordhall Farm, Tern Hill Road, Market Drayton, Shropshire TF9 3PS.


5.     The first members of the Society shall be the signatories to the application for registration (the "Founder Members"). The Board may at its discretion admit to membership any person who supports the objects of the Society and who has paid or agreed to pay the appropriate  subscription for the time being in force. Any such membership application form may provide that a member may specify an email address which shall be used by the Society for any communication required by these rules to be sent to members.  Any member specifying an email address in this way shall notify the Society of any change to this email address.

6.     A person who qualifies under Rule 5 above may apply for membership to the Board, and upon acceptance and payment of the minimum amount of share holding required in accordance with rule 51 and the subscription fee (if any) the Society shall issue to her or him share certificates as appropriate and shall enter her or his name in the register of members. The Board may refuse any application for membership at its absolute discretion.

7.     In addition to the shareholding required in accordance with rule 51 the Board may determine other criteria for membership including the setting of different subscriptions for membership.

8.     The Society shall keep at its registered office a register of members in which the Secretary shall enter the following particulars:

       (a)  the name and address, and email address if applicable of every member;
       (b)  a statement of the shareholding of each member;
       (c)  a statement of other property, whether in loans or otherwise, held by each member;
       (d)  the date on which each member's name was entered in the register as a member and the date on which any member ceased to be a member;
(e)  the names and addresses, and email address if applicable of the Directors and officers of the Society, of the offices held by them respectively, and the dates on which they assumed and vacated office.

                                                   CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP

9.     A member shall cease to be a member if s/he:

       (a)  resigns in writing to the Secretary; or
       (b)  fails to pay any subscription in respect of membership within three months of its falling due; or
       (c)  is expelled from membership in accordance with Rule 10; or
(d)   being an individual, die.

10.   A member may be expelled for conduct prejudicial to the Society by a resolution carried by a majority of at least two‑thirds of those members voting at a General Meeting of the Society of which due notice has been given, provided that the grounds for expulsion have been specified in the notices calling the meeting and that the member whose expulsion is to be considered shall be given the opportunity to state her/his case to the meeting. If on due notice having been served the member fails to attend the meeting the meeting may proceed in the member's absence.

11.   No member expelled from membership shall be re‑admitted except by a resolution carried by a majority of at least two‑thirds of those members voting at a General Meeting of which due notice has been given.

                                                          GENERAL MEETINGS

12.   An Annual General Meeting shall be held within six months of the close of the financial year of the Society, the business of which shall comprise:

       (a)  The receipt of the accounts and balance sheet and of the reports of the Board and auditor (if any);
       (b)  The appointment of an auditor (subject to Rule 58 (b));
       (c)  The election of Directors (or the announcement of the results of the election if held previously by ballot);
       (d)  A decision on the application of any surplus in accordance with Rule 63;
       (e)  The transaction of any other business included in the notice convening the meeting.

13.   All General Meetings other than the Annual General Meeting shall be called Special General Meetings.

14.   A Special General Meeting shall be convened either upon an order of the Board or at the request of three members of the Society or ten per cent of the membership, whichever is the greater.

15.   An Annual or a Special General Meeting shall be called by at least fourteen days' notice in writing posted or delivered to the address of every member recorded in the register of members, or by email where a member has elected to receive communications by email in accordance with these rules, specifying whether the meeting is an Annual or a Special General Meeting and stating the time, date and place at which it is to be held. The notice shall contain details of the nature of the business to be transacted, and no business may be transacted at a General Meeting other than that specified in the notices calling it.

16.   A notice sent by post to a member's registered address and a notice sent by email shall be deemed to have been duly served forty‑eight hours after its posting. The accidental omission to send any notice to or the non‑receipt of any notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting.

17.   If the Society has appointed an auditor in accordance with Rule 58 (a) they shall be entitled to attend General Meetings of the Society and to receive all notices of and communications relating to any General Meeting which any member of the Society is entitled to receive. The auditor shall be entitled to be heard at any meeting on any part of the business of the meeting which is of proper concern to an auditor.

                                         PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS

18.   No person shall be entitled to vote on any question at a General Meeting other than a member of the Society. 

19.   No business shall be transacted at a General Meeting unless a quorum of members is present. Unless and until otherwise decided by the Society in General Meeting, one-third of the membership for the time being shall be the quorum, subject to the number of members being more than ten and less than 100, in the event of the membership exceeding 100 the quorum shall be thirty and in the event of the membership being less than ten, it shall be one half subject to a minimum of three

20.   If within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members, shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall stand adjourned until a day between seven and fourteen days after the date set for the original meeting, and all members shall be given such notice as is practicable. If at such an adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour after the time set for the meeting, then the members present shall constitute a quorum.

21.   The Chairperson of the Society shall preside at every General Meeting. In the event of her/his absence or unwillingness to act, the members present shall choose one of their number to be Chairperson of the meeting.

22.   The Chairperson may with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present, and shall if so directed by the meeting, adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at an adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place. Where a meeting is adjourned for twenty-one days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of the original meeting; otherwise it shall not be necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at an adjourned meeting.

23.   At any General Meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a secret ballot is, before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands, demanded by at least two members present. Unless a secret ballot be so demanded, a declaration by the Chairperson that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or lost with an entry to that effect in the book containing the minutes of the proceedings of the Society shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportions of the votes recorded in favour or against such resolution.

24.   If a secret ballot is duly demanded it shall be taken in such a manner as the Chairperson directs, provided that no member shall have more than one vote, and the result of the ballot shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the ballot was demanded.

25.   The demand for a secret ballot shall not prevent the continuance of a meeting for the transaction of any other business than the question upon which a ballot has been demanded. The demand for a secret ballot may be withdrawn.

26.   Every member shall hold one vote only on each question to be decided at a General Meeting. Except where otherwise specified by these Rules or by the Act, questions shall be resolved by a simple majority of votes cast.

27.   In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a ballot, the Chairperson shall not have a second or casting vote and the resolution shall be deemed to be lost.

28.   A resolution in writing signed by all the members for the time being entitled to vote at General Meetings shall be valid and effective as if the same had been passed at a General Meeting duly convened and held and may consist of several documents in the same form each signed by one or more members.

                                                      AMENDMENTS TO RULES

29.   Any of these Rules may be rescinded or amended or a new Rule made by a vote of two-thirds of members of the Society voting at a General Meeting of which fourteen clear days' prior notice has been given, such notice to include details of the change(s) to be proposed at that meeting, provided that no alteration shall be approved which would cause the Society to cease to be a charity at law.


30.   No amendment of Rules is valid until registered by the Financial Services Authority.



31.   The Society shall have a Board of Directors comprising not less than three persons. The initial Directors of the Society from incorporation until the first Annual General Meeting shall be appointed by the Founder Members.

32.   The Board of Directors shall be made up as follows:

(a)   not more than one person appointed by the Shropshire Wildlife Trust;

(b)    not more than one person appointed by Taste of the Town Company;

(c)    not more than one person appointed by the persons who are lease holders of Fordhall Farm at the date of incorporation of the Society;

(d)    up to eleven persons elected by and from the members of the Society at or prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Society


33.   New Directors shall be elected in accordance with such procedures as may be adopted by the Society from time to time.  A Director appointed under 32 (a) or (b) shall hold office until the end of the next Annual General Meeting following her/his appointment.  Such Director shall be eligible for re-appointment subject to the confirmation of the appointing body.   A Director elected under 32 (c) shall subject to Rule 34 and 40 below serve for three years and hold office until the end of the Annual General Meeting following their third year in office.  Retiring Directors shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting at which they retire.

34.   At the first Annual General Meeting of the Society all the elected Directors shall stand down.  At every subsequent Annual General Meeting, one third of the elected Directors, or if their number is not a multiple of three then the nearest to one-third, shall retire from office.  The Directors to retire shall be those longest in office since their last election.  Regarding Directors who have been in office for the same length of time, the members to retire shall be selected by lot.

35.   The Board may at any time co‑opt any member of the Society to fill a casual vacancy in the Board of Directors, provided that at no time shall more than one-third of the members of the Board be co-opted members. A casual vacancy shall be deemed to exist if the number of Directors should drop below the minimum prescribed in these Rules or below the number elected at the preceding Annual General Meeting.   In addition the Board may co-opt up to two persons to serve on the Board who need not be members of the Society but who are considered able to contribute to the Board by virtue of their specialist skills or knowledge.   Directors co-opted under this rule shall serve until the annual general meeting following their co-option.

36.   In the event that the size of the Board should drop below the minimum number of members prescribed in these Rules, the Directors may act to increase their number or to call a General Meeting of the Society, but for no other purpose.

37.   A Director shall declare an interest in any contract or matter in which s/he has a personal material or financial interest, whether directly or indirectly, and shall not vote in respect of such contract or matter except where that interest is shared with a majority of the other members of the Board.

38.   Directors shall only be entitled to fees or remuneration for services actually rendered to the Society, whether as employees or otherwise.

39.   Directors may be paid all reasonable and proper expenses incurred by them in attending and returning from meetings of the Board or General Meetings of the Society or in connection with the business of the Society.

40.   The office of Director shall be immediately vacated if s/he:

       (a)  resigns her/his office in writing to the Society; or
       (b)  ceases to be a member of the Society for any reason whatsoever; or
       (c)  is removed from office by a majority vote of the Society in General Meeting, the notices for which specified that the question of the Director's removal was to be considered; or
       (d)  in the opinion of a majority of the Board, fails to declare her/his interest in any contract as referred to in Rule 37; or
       (e)  is absent from three successive meetings of the Board during a continuous period of twelve months without special leave of absence from the Board and they decide that s/he has by reason of such absence vacated office; or
       (f)   becomes bankrupt or, in the opinion of a majority of the Board, incapable on medical or psychological grounds of carrying out the functions of a Director.

                                                         HONORARY OFFICERS

41.   The Board of Directors shall elect a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer of the Society from amongst their own number. Any honorary officer so appointed may be removed or replaced by a majority vote of the Board at any time, or by a majority vote of the members at a Special General Meeting the notices for which specified that the matter was to be raised.


42.   The business of the Society shall be managed by the Board of Directors who may pay all expenses of the formation of the Society as they think fit and may exercise all such powers of the Society as may be exercised and done by the Society and as are not by statute or by these Rules required to be exercised or done by the Society in General Meeting, including the setting of annual subscriptions for members.

43.   All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments, and all receipts for monies paid to the Society shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed, or otherwise executed in such manner as the Board shall from time to time direct.

44.   The Board may delegate any of its functions to sub‑committees made up of members of the Board and such other persons as it sees fit. Any sub‑committees so formed shall in the exercise of its powers conform with any regulations imposed upon it by the Board, which shall always include the requirement for regular and prompt reports back to the Board.

                                           PROCEEDINGS AT BOARD MEETINGS

45.   The Board may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. The Secretary shall at the request of two or more Directors summon a meeting of the Board at any reasonable time by giving all Directors reasonable notice of the date, time and venue for the meeting and the general nature of the business to be considered.

46.   Unless and until otherwise decided by the Society in General Meeting, the quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a Board meeting shall be one half of the members of the Board or three members, whichever is the greater; provided that no meeting shall be quorate if one half or more of those present are co-opted Directors.

47.   At every Board meeting the Chairperson shall preside, but in the event of her/his absence or unwillingness to act the members present shall choose one of their number to be Chairperson of the meeting.

48.   The Board shall cause proper minutes to be made of all the proceedings of the Society, of the Board and of any sub‑committees All such minutes shall be open to inspection by any member of the Board at all reasonable times.

49.   Questions arising at Board meetings shall be decided by a majority of votes of those present. In the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall not have a second or casting vote and the resolution shall be deemed to be lost.

50.   A resolution in writing signed by all the members for the time being entitled to vote at meetings of the Board shall be valid and effective as if the same had been passed at a meeting duly convened and held and may consist of several documents in the same form, each signed by one or more board members.

                                                               SHARE CAPITAL

51.   The shares of the Society shall be of the nominal value of £1.00.  The minimum shareholding required of a member shall be defined as such number of fully paid shares as the Board may determine subject to the Act, or as may be required by a particular offer of shares, or – failing such determination or requirement – shall be one share.

a)    A member may subscribe for shares in tranches of shares which are smaller in number than the minimum shareholding, provided that any member who does not achieve the minimum shareholding within 12 months after her/his first payment shall cease to be a member and shall have returned to her/him the value of the shares paid for to date, and the relevant shares shall be cancelled.
b)    Shares shall be withdrawable only in accordance with the provisions of these Rules. Shares shall not be transferable except on death or bankruptcy.
c)    Application for shares shall be made to the Board of the Society who shall allot to members, upon their admission, the share or shares for which they have applied provided that the total number of shares allotted to any member shall not succeed the maximum shareholding permitted by law.
d)    Shares shall be paid for in full on allotment.


52 Shares may be withdrawn by members upon giving twelve months’ notice to the Society provided that:
(a)    all withdrawals shall be paid in the order in which the notices were received by the Society;
(b)    except where a member intends to terminate her/his membership of the Society, a member shall not be entitled to withdraw shares so as to leave her/him with less than the minimum shareholding;
(c)    the Board may waive the notice required for a withdrawal and may direct payment to be made without notice or on such shorter notice as they consider fit;
(d)    the Board may suspend the right to withdraw either wholly or partially, and either indefinitely or for a fixed period. The suspension shall extend and apply to all notices of withdrawal which have been received and remain unpaid at the time the Board suspend the right to withdraw. Where the suspension is for a fixed period, such period may be extended from time to time by the Board;
(e)    during any period when the right of withdrawal has been suspended under Rule 52(d), the shares of deceased members may, if the Board agree, be withdrawn by their personal representatives upon giving such notice as the Board may require;
(f)     the amount to be paid to a member on withdrawal shall be the amount paid up or credited on the shares to be withdrawn, except where the shares are subject to a reduction their value in accordance with the provisions of these Rules;
(g)    interest shall be payable on any share in respect of which a notice of repayment has been given until the date of repayment.
        Any share withdrawn in accordance with this Rule shall be cancelled.

53      Members may withdraw from the Society by withdrawing all their shares in the Society in accordance with Rule 52 or, if the right to withdraw has been suspended as provided for in that Rule, by surrendering all their shares to the Society. Upon such surrender the Board may in their discretion pay to the withdrawing member the amount paid up or credited in the shares surrendered.

54 The Society may deduct such reasonable sum to cover administrative costs of withdrawal from the monies payable to a member on the withdrawal of shares in the Society.


55 If the auditors (or any independent qualified accountants appointed for the purpose by the Board) certify at any time that the aggregate of the Society's liabilities plus the amount of its issued share capital exceeds its assets, then (unless in the meantime the excess has been removed) the Board may determine that the amount of this excess, or part of it, shall be apportioned among the members in proportion to (but not beyond) the amount of the nominal value of the shares paid up and held by each member. This apportionment shall be based on the value of the shares paid up and held by each member at the close of business on the date of such determination. The value of shares held by each member shall be reduced accordingly for the purposes of withdrawal of shares, notwithstanding that the value of shares held by any member may thereby be reduced below the minimum shareholding.

Fordhall legal structure is interesting

Fordhall FarmFordhall FarmFordhall FarmFordhall FarmFordhall FarmFordhall Farm

The Community Landlord

Fordhall Community Land Initiative
Allowing YOU to OWN Fordhall Farm

"The Fordhall Community Land Initiative reaffirms the relationship between the landscape and the way it shapes the prosperity of rural communities. It seeks to demonstrate that small-scale farming connected to the local community offers a viable way of life for generations to come."
What's it all about?
The Fordhall Community Land Initiative is an industrial and Provident Society with charitable status. It is currently owned by over 8000 shareholders from across the UK and indeed the world. This society owns Fordhall Organic Farm in its entirety.
Charlotte and Ben Hollins are now tenants of the Fordhall Community Land Initiative. Ben lives in the farmhouse and manages the farmland and the livestock. The farm shop is a commercial business run by Ben, from which he pays the rent and derives his income.
Our Legal Structure
The Fordhall Community Land Initiative is a charitable society set-up for community benefit, established by Sophie Hopkins and Charlotte and Ben Hollins in 2005 alongside many other volunteers (see the campaign page) to save Fordhall Farm from development, Fordhall had been chemical free for over 65 years.
The initiative is incorporated as an Industrial and Provident Society (IPS).
The IPS structure allows shares to be sold to the general public. The shares are completely non-profit making and cannot be traded on the open market. They can be returned to the initiative or passed down in a Will, but cannot be traded. This makes our society safe and secure to carry out the aims and objectives it was created to do so.
The society has the following aims:
  • To ensure permanently affordable access to the farm for farmers and the community

  • To advance education and provide facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare for the inhabitants of Market Drayton and the wider community, in organic farming methods, conservation, biodiversity, health, access, country life, heritage, wildlife and related subjects with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.
  • To ensure farmland is managed sustainably for community benefit with the appropriate management for access, and to research sustainable farming through community land trusteeship, public involvement and other methods.
The full society rules can be downloaded by following the link here
Fordhall Grass