Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Fab site .... if you eat eggs

Fab site for anyone into the care, which, if you eat eggs, you should be!

"Why organic and what is beyond organic?"

"In very short
  • I want true organic eggs from free range chicken, not so called free range. I will add a link to what it actually means in the commercial world to get organic eggs.
  • b - I want to give the males at least somewhat of a life on this planet as - from all I have read anywhere .... you can't really keep as many roosters as hens, never mind that it is expensive unless you have many acres available of free range.
  • c - those birds are loved, seen and given the space they need to express their" chicken-ness". This is part of the deal for me -  they MUST be respected and treated well.

An opportunity presented itself to work a small part of someone's garden and I got permission to have chickens there too. My initital thoughts about that was: have free range garden chickens and eggs that lay eggs, provide fertilizer and help with tilling and pest control - and - I LOVE birds"

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